April 19

Oak pollen is at its peak, and my allergies are making life miserable right now. I can't be outside for more than 15 minutes without dissolving into an itchy, sneezy, drippy mess, and the poor kids are so sad that we can't go have fun outdoor adventures during this lovely weather. We got some outside time today, though, because Amber and her kids came over. Her children + mine = nine little people, so outside is always best when we get together.

Daisy is the pattern-mixing queen, and she is proud of her magnolia leaf finds. 

I can't remember what Lily was saying to me, but it was serious. Also serious? Her dress collection. We just went through her closet and drawers and put away all the too-small stuff and pulled out all the 4T summer stuff. She now has eight gajillion dresses, and she is in heaven. She particularly likes this one because it has flowers and pockets. Smart gril.

Don't worry, Mom! He's not going to run into the street!
We have a new outdoor-play strategy: every time a car drives by while the kids are playing in the front yard, they freeze on the sidewalk and wave at the driver. So if Eli above saw a car, he would take four steps back to the sidewalk and then wave. The waving kids tend to make the drivers slow down, which makes me feel more comfortable.

The superhero cape is Eli's current favorite. 
Also a favorite? Running laps on the sidewalk. I'm pretty sure in his head, Eli isn't running. He's flying.

Today he was Super Robot Man. Is he the cutest, or what?

We found this snake in our back yard. Don't worry; he's harmless. Still, the kids are no longer going back to their Secret Hideout barefoot.

And this girl? The one who is just finishing home school kindergarten? She just plowed through these second grade sight words like they were nothing.  I love how proud she is!

And then our garbage disposal died. It lasted 5 years. This is the third time Chris has had to replace a garbage disposal, so he's getting pretty good at it. I'm not sure if that's normal or not? Caleb was a diligent helper, holding the light for Daddy.

Also, bathtime babies are the cutest.

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