April 11

Today was our very last day of Classical Conversations, which is very strange. We will likely still continue doing school throughout the spring and summer, just to make sure the kids are prepared when things start up in the fall, but it's weird to think that it's over. Because I am sending the kids to public school in the fall, we may never see these friends again!

I spent the morning playing with the little ones in the nursery.
Lily will miss her "best friend" Emmunah, and the big kids will miss the whole CC experience. Even Eli loves community days, and will be sad not to go back.

After our last recess and lunch with CC friends, I dropped Caleb and Daisy off for Special Time with Grandmother. Gayle gave me a bag with some goodies she had picked up for Lily.

This dress was in the bag, and Lily was just delighted with it! She keeps begging to wear it, but it's not quite warm enough.

Also, this: 
Eli transitioned to sleeping in a big boy bed effortlessly. Like, it wasn't even an issue at all, and a week in Chris and I are trying to figure out if it's premature to sell the crib, or if we should hang on to it for some unknown reason. You know, in case he regresses and suddenly needs a crib again? I don't know. 
We are also working on weaning him; Eli currently only nurses once per day, at nap time. Sometimes he asks for milk at bedtime, but he is usually satisfied with snuggles instead. At first we offered him cow milk in a cup, but now he doesn't really even want that. I'm not sure when I'll decide it's time to drop that last nursing session. I think it's always a hard decision, but it's especially hard because he's our last baby, and I have been either pregnant or nursing a baby for the past eight and a half years. Moving on will be hard!

But, on we must go. So. Weaning soon, and then potty training, and then we will have a house full of adults who no longer need me who will move out. That's how it works, right?

After dinner, it was so lovely out that we decided to take a family walk to the library. 
These kids love the library!
(Also, you get a sneak peek of Eli's Easter outfit. I put it on him to make sure it fit, and he loved it so much he refused to take it off. Funny boy!

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