November 23

This post is late because I had book club last night, and as much as I thought I might be able to get it done before I left, it just didn't happen. 

What did happen, though, was that Chris gave Eli a bottle and put him to bed in his crib, where he slept until about 11 or 11:30 or so. 

People, that is HUGE! HUGE! Obviously we have a long way to go before he's sleeping on his own all night long, but I don't even want that right now. All I really want is for Eli to sleep on his own for the first part of the evening. And he has been - in our bed. But the problem was that only I was capable of getting Eli to sleep in our bed. Chris' only option has pretty much been wearing Eli in the Ergo and hoping he fell asleep. But last night, Eli did what normal babies do! He took a bottle and went to sleep in his crib! Hooray!

But I don't have pictures of that. I do have some truly funny ones from the morning, though. A little bit before 8 am, I was packing Caleb's lunch and making sure he was ready for school and getting Lily's breakfast. Suddenly, I realized that I didn't know where Eli was. I looked in the living room, but he wasn't there. I glanced in the piano room, but no Eli. I went down the hall and checked the cat food, the bathroom, and all of the bedrooms (in order of his most favorite spots to make mischief), but he was nowhere to be found.

Honestly, I was starting to panic. Where could my child be? Why was he not responding to my calls? Why didn't I hear any noises from him?

I checked the piano room a second time, and found this:
He had crawled under the piano bench and was just hanging out there, as pleased as could be.

I nearly had a heart attack, and he was just happily exploring.

What a funny little man we have!

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