February 7

Chris took my car into the shop today (I'd been ignoring some nasty fumes that were invading the cabin, but Chris drove it this weekend and started to fear for the safety of his family), so Caleb and I were homebodies. Meaning: I stayed in my jammies all day. Nice. But somehow in all of the homey goodness, I only managed to take pictures at breakfast.

Luckily for you, today was the day Caleb attempted to feed himself cereal.

He wasn't supposed to feed himself cereal. His spoon-using skills are still questionable, so I only let him practice on less messy foods. I feed him the cereal myself. But I needed a cup of coffee, so I pushed his bowl of cheerios out of his reach (or so I thought) and stepped away.

I turned around from my coffeepot to find this:

As you can see from the drips, Caleb had already made a few attempts before I noticed. I'm a little slow before I have my one cup of half-caf in the morning!

However, he did a remarkably good job!
(Well, except for the fact that he hasn't grasped the concept that the spoon must remain level to maintain its contents. He didn't make much of a mess, but that's because he didn't really get much on the spoon in the first place.)

And my car is fixed now, thanks to my Superman-husband. It turns out that the last time I had the oil changed, they forgot to put the oil cap back on. Eventually the oil started spewing out all over the engine cavity, causing hot oil to burn away on the engine - hence the toxic fumes. I guess I wasn't imagining it, after all! Now it's all fixed, cleaned up, and good to go!

1 comment:

  1. im thinking smaller spoon??? haha, looks really big from the pic.
