February 5

The blog post I intended to write yesterday involved a detailed (and hilarious) account of how, at 7:35 a.m., Caleb tripped while walking and got his very first goose-egg. It featured an adorable portrait of my little man and his bulging blue hematoma on the right side of his forehead.

Unfortunately, I felt so terrible that he hurt himself that I didn't take any pictures. And by the time I was ready to take pictures, the nasty thing didn't look so nasty anymore!

So. First head wound - over. He's a little worse for the wear, but fine.

Today, we woke up to... more snow.
Seriously? Luckily, with all of the snow we've had lately, I think I've finally managed to figure out Caleb's mitten situation. In fact, the mitten situation was so successful that Chris, Caleb and I were able to play out in the snow for a full hour today! Hilarity ensued; see photographic evidence below.

The snow banks on either side of our driveway are so high now that they functioned as a perfect couch-like resting spot for my boys.

Have I mentioned that Caleb's favorite snow toys are completely inappropriate for snow? 
Inappropriate Snow Toy 1: badminton racquet
Caleb really likes the fact that the racquet makes circles when  it's pressed into the snow. A few snow days ago, we walked up and down our sidewalk, and every few feet, Caleb said, "Circle." I pressed the racquet into the snow, forming a perfect circle. Caleb would command me to make a few more, then say, "Count!" So I counted how many circles we had made. He was pretty excited by our fancy game!

Inappropriate Snow Toy #2: bicycle
Yep. Caleb wanted to ride his bike in the snow. I'm not sure exactly how this game came about, but I'm pretty sure it was Chris' idea. Regardless, today I discovered that Caleb can say "bicycle" as clearly as I can. Pretty impressive for almost 19 months old!

Inappropriate Snow Toy #3: lawn mower
I confess: this was my idea. And Caleb had a blast mowing the driveway once Chris had shoveled it! The whole time he said, "Mow. Mow. Mow." (OK, I couldn't find this link in English, and only the first 3 or 4 seconds are relevant, but this is what I think of every time Caleb gets his mower out.)

Later, I noticed that Caleb was gnawing on the snow on his mittens.
Like any good mother, I went inside and got him a spoon. Why fight to eat the snow off your mittens, when you could eat a fresh, fluffy spoonful?

Caleb seemed to agree.


After we went inside, drank hot cocoa, and warmed up, this happened. Caleb put Chris' boot on all by himself and walked from the living room into the kitchen with it on his foot. Hilarious!!!

The end.


  1. love that he thinks out of the box, even though he really doesnt know what is "in the box" yet... hoping he will continue this! and kudos for you two who allowed him to play with the racket bike mower without saying, "no, sweetie, these are summer toys!" no stifling that imagination:)) (is it imagination yet? or just what he wanted to play with??) love these pics.

  2. ahahahah the boot! And LOL about that jumpsuit Chris is wearing.
