February 24

Sorry for the absence for the last few days - we've been busy, busy, busy preparing for our trip to Mexico! We actually leave early tomorrow morning; my mom will be staying with Caleb at our house while we're gone. The separation from Caleb + no internet access will mean no blog for the next 3+ days. Sorry!

We  tried to spend as much time as possible today snuggling with Caleb. Hopefully that will tide us over for the next few days!

Caleb and Chris got their Mother Goose fix (this is literally the 4th time we've checked this book out from the library).

Later, Caleb helped us pack. 
"Mommy. Daddy. Messico!"

Chris tried to convince me that this would work.

4 days without this little guy? It's going to be rough, but at least we'll be suffering in the lap of luxury. :)

Happy Birthday to me! So far, 30s are full of snuggles and exciting tropical vacations. If every year is like this, I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. yay happy birthday!! You guys will have so much fun! Love you and be careful, XO
