February 15

Last night was a busy one - I made dinner for my boys, lamb stew for my "Book Club", and then enjoyed a long evening with my "Book Club" girls. When I got home, I was too exhausted to do a blog post. But I did take pictures for you!

We're enjoying this delicious bout of unseasonably warm weather. Yesterday, Caleb was excited to hop in his stroller for a walk around the neighborhood. When we got home and I was putting away his stroller, he found his garden tools and immediately began to "dig".

He was really excited to find this little patch of lingering snow. The little yellow sand scoop was perfect for digging and flinging snow all over the place.

"Wrake! Wrake!"
(That's what it sounds like when he says "rake" - a little bit of r, a little bit of w.)

"Poke leaf. Poke poke poke."

I had to leave for "Book Club" just as my boys were getting ready for bathtime. I went upstairs to say goodnight, and was greeted at the baby gate by a stark naked Caleb, gripping this book, shouting, "Hello.... Fredbird!" Of course I had to run back down the stairs to grab my camera, but this was the best photo I could muster. I'm not sure anything is better than a naked, Cardinals-loving child.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute! SO CUTE! Love that he found the little patch of snow... and the naked, Cardinal loving, book hugging boy is adorable, of course!
    Almost every time I see these pics it will take me back to when mine were little. I get two great feelings--one present, one past. Thank you!!!
