February 6

Chris is watching the Super Bowl; aside from the halftime show and commercials, I don't care that much. I think I'll be settling in to visit with Katniss Everdeen in Catching Fire as soon as I finish this post. (It's my second time through the series - this time for "Book Club". You really should read them; they're captivating, easy reads.)

Today's highlights:

Caleb moved up from the nursery at church. He's no longer with the babies; now he's with the big kids (18 months - 2 years). We were so nervous when we dropped him off (you all know about Caleb's stellar social skills). Chris said he felt like it was Caleb's first day of school! Luckily, everything went great, and Caleb had lots of fun.

My heart melted when I saw that he had brought home his very first church craft!
(Also, can you see the remnant of his goose egg? Poor kid.)

I had to photograph it to preserve it for posterity.

It says, "(heart) each other as I have (heart) you. John 15:12" and someone helped him put heart stickers on it. There's also a crayon streak that Caleb probably did on his own. It's funny how something so little can make me go so gooey.

Later, we broke all of our rules for Super Bowl Sunday. We turned the TV on for the game, and ate dinner (pizza) in front of the TV. Caleb was clearly pleased.

Caleb somehow doesn't have any toy footballs, so he had to spike a toy basketball instead.

Now he's in bed, and I'm off to my book!

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