February 14

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day at home.

We started the day with heart-shaped bread and peanut butter.
Caleb thought that was just about the coolest thing EVER.

He could hardly wait to grab it and dig in!

After breakfast (and some serious hand-wiping), he noticed the Valentine I had made for him. It was just a silly little card with a list of things that I love about him right now. I made one for him last year, too, and it seems like a fun tradition. Surprisingly, Caleb really enjoyed the card. He insisted I read it to him, and pointed out all of the hearts I had drawn on it.

What a happy boy!

Later, we ran some errands. He was an angel, and despite the fact that it was an hour before naptime, he fell asleep in the car and slept for three hours! What a great gift for me! It gave me lots of time to prep for our special Valentine's Day dinner: crabcakes (break to digest), bruschetta with goat cheese and spinach salad (break to digest/put the kid to bed), bacon-wrapped Angus filets with roasted asparagus and twice baked potatoes (break to digest/clean up/write blog post), and soon a chocolate chess pie with whipped cream, berries, and coffee. Yum.

With all that food and two handsome valentines, I'm one lucky girl!


  1. We had heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches for lunch! I couldn't believe how excited the girls were for a simple cookie-cutter heart sandwich... doesn't take much. :)

  2. Sounds fun! I love valentine's day for kids. Could he be any cuter??? Those teeth are looking good!
