February 3

Remember how last night, we went to Olive Garden for dinner?
I don't think I mentioned how much Caleb enjoyed their after-dinner Andes Mints. He. Loved. Them. He loved them so much that we asked our server for a few extra.

Today, Caleb noticed the extra mints on our kitchen counter, and asked for them all day. But at dinner tonight, we totally bribed him with them. You know, "Eat two more bites, and you can have your chocolate!" I know we shouldn't have, but we did. And it worked. Caleb ate his two more bites, realized he really liked dinner, and kept eating it.

Then, it was time for chocolate.

He was so excited for his chocolate, he was actually pumping his fists. It was pretty funny.

Oh boy. Chocolate!

But then the chocolate was all gone. And Caleb asked for... cereal.

Cereal? Cereal.

He'd already eaten dinner, and two mints, but he wanted cereal. So we gave him some cereal. And honestly? The kid was more excited about cereal than he was about the chocolate.

His excitement built as he watched Chris pour the cereal, pour the milk, and drizzle a little honey on top.

By the time his cereal was ready, he couldn't even contain himself anymore. He was smashing his face in delight!
And he gobbled up every bite.

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