February 13

Sorry I've been absent the past few days - we've been so busy, I haven't even had time to think about picking up the camera.

On Friday morning, our realtor called to say someone wanted to see the house that afternoon. Since that was only our second showing in 3 months, I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was - and how filthy the house was. So I spent all morning and afternoon making sure the house was spotless. Saturday morning, I worked my once-every-six-weeks job supervising the ACT, and we spent the afternoon being a family. So. No pictures.

Today was about to be another no picture day (church, long nap, errands), but I knew I couldn't ignore my blog for three days in a row. So I give you:
Bedtime Photos

There are several items that Caleb has to say good night to each night - a miniature duck and faucet that broke off of a toothbrush holder (it looks like this sink toothbrush holder, only broken and more choking-hazard-y), a porcelain angel night light that his Great-Grandma Spain sent, and this silver elephant that was a place card holder at Chris' sister Grace's wedding. It's a random assortment of favorites, but Caleb remembers to say good night to them every night.

I missed the duck, faucet, and angel, but here's Caleb's "good night" to the elephant.




And this is his "Daddy's-smearing-diaper-cream-on-my-hiney" face. Because I know you needed to see it.

So. I'll do better about keeping the blog updated (and the house clean), if you'll pray that the person who saw it Friday (or anyone, for that matter!) will want to buy it. Ok? Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. prayers said. ill keep praying. you keep up with the adorable pics!
