September 9

The biggest frustration in my life right now is Eli's nighttime sleep. 
Particularly his late-evening sleep.
Particularly the fact that he will not sleep in his crib like a normal baby. 
It should be my "free time" to accomplish things I want to do. Or go to the gym. Or talk to my husband. Instead, Eli needs to be held or worn or nursed. I am thankful that Chris is willing to wear Eli, but I am frustrated that Eli acts as a human alarm clock, telling me when my "me time" is up. Boo, child. Boo.

So this blog post is late because right when I was getting around to it last night, Eli decided my time was up. He had enough Daddy time, and now only Mommy would do. But the worst part? When I finally stopped what I was doing to climb into bed and nurse Eli to sleep for the night, he refused to sleep. He literally rolled around and giggled and talked for an hour and a half, before finally falling asleep. I knew, though, that if I tried to let him be awake, he would scream. That child.

But he's cute during the day!
He's not crawling or scooting yet, but he is definitely mobile now. He can inchworm to get to toys, and never stays put on a playmat anymore. I need to start keeping my floors cleaner! I love that Daisy likes to get down on the floor to play with her brother.
I also love Daisy's hair in this picture.

Hi, cutie pie!

Watch him Superman!

While I made dinner tonight, Lily decided she wanted to wait for Daddy on the front porch. Traffic was bad, and she ended up waiting - all by herself - for more than fifteen minutes, but she didn't mind. I checked on her every few minutes, but she happily entertained herself.

I'm not sure if she was drawing with chalk, or "reading" what was written. (My mom wrote it - it says, "Maw-Maw was here".) Lily kept pointing at it, saying, "Maw-Maw!"

Finally, Daddy was home and Lily was so, so happy! She squealed with delight, waited for him to park his car in the garage, and went running to her Daddy. I can't think of a better welcome home!

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