September 22

The perfect fall weather continues, so we spent much of the day outside. After we got Caleb on the school bus this morning, Daisy, Lily, Eli and I walked Daisy up to preschool.
The sun always shines in the little ones' eyes, so I tried some sunglasses on Eli.
He looked adorable, but he was totally unimpressed.

Daisy walked the whole mile to preschool, and then we turned around and walked home. When we were less than 1/4 mile from home, Lily suddenly demanded, "WALK! Walk Bob!" So I unbuckled the girl, and she walked beside me the rest of the way home.

She refused to walk in front or behind; she had to walk next to me. Funny girl.

When we got home, I found that Eli was sound asleep. Sweet baby! Except that he was due for a real nap, and instead he decided that his fifteen-minute stroller nap counted as a real  nap. Not fun, baby!

Since he wouldn't sleep, I decided to feed him. Today, we tried (whole milk, organic, unsweetened) yogurt. 
Don't let the face fool you. He loved it.

Need proof? I made a video.

Also adorable was Lily, who decided to start drinking out of an open cup today. You can actually hear her 20 seconds into the video above saying, "Drinking big girl!"

She was so proud of herself for drinking like a big girl!
Goodness, this girl is sweet.

Then it was time to go get Daisy, and lunch, and naps, and then my mom stopped by, and the kids played in the kiddie pool all afternoon. It was a perfect day!
Even better, I got to visit my old chiropractor (my headaches have gotten out of control lately, so I decided it was worth it to visit her) and then a Mom's Night Out with my MOPS girls. All in all, a great day.

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