September 6

It was a typical Sunday for us: Church, Costco, lunch, naps. But typical Sundays are always sweeter when there's a holiday Monday following them. Hello, Labor Day weekend! I love you! 

Eli was looking seriously drowsy when we got to church, and the nursery had more babies than usual which meant that there wasn't a dedicated person to snuggle Eli to sleep. No problem - I have a wrap for that! I wrapped Eli up and headed into church. The music of worship kept him awake, and when the sermon began I had to stand in the back and bounce him for a while. Soon enough he was fast asleep, and he stayed that way through most of the service. Awesome!

Of course, that meant that he was hungry by the time we got to Costco. I chose to stay in the van and feed him while Chris and the kids got our groceries.
Hi you handsome baby, in my lap, in the van, in the Costco parking lot! You still look pretty sleepy!

After feeding the kids lunch and putting the little ones down for naps, I volunteered to stay home while Chris took Caleb and Daisy to the pool. They had a lot of fun, but came home around 4:30 when Caleb said that he had a headache. The poor boy drank a little bit of orange juice, then went to bed. He slept right through dinner and bedtime, and is still asleep now. I hope the poor kid is okay!

Meanwhile, Chris and I decided that some ice cream was in order. After I posted a picture of Eli eating a cheese stick the other day, several of you told me that if Eli can eat a cheese stick, I should be eating dairy.

So we're giving it a go - I had a Heavenly Hash ice cream cone tonight. I will let you know tomorrow how Eli handled that.
(Funny: Chris and I were discussing the ice cream thing in code during dinner. I told him, "I think it's a good idea because I want to see how Eli does with it." Later, he asked me what flavor I wanted and I requested something with chocolate or caramel. Then he asked me if I wanted him to get a separate flavor for Eli.
Why would I give my baby ice cream? I was baffled. 
Then Chris explained that he thought when I said, "I want to see how Eli does with it", he thought I meant I wanted to feed Eli the ice cream, not see how he handles it when I eat ice cream. 
And then I died laughing.)

Chris and the girls went to the grocery store to pick up ice cream and cones, and while they were gone I called my mom. When she heard we were having ice cream, she hopped in her car and came over. How could she pass up ice cream and her babies?

These girls were so happy to see their grandma!

Mom stuck around for bedtime, and she and Chris read with the kids. 
Can you tell from this boy's eyes that he was tired?

This picture is funny. I know it looks like Eli is tipping over, but really he was lunging for Daisy's book. One day, Eli. One day, you will actually get the things you lunge for. 
Just not today.

Mom volunteered to put Lily to bed, and when she emerged from Lily's room, she told me that Lily had grabbed a section of Mom's hair and spent several minutes lovingly stroking it, saying, "Happy". Mom asked her, "Who is happy?" and Lily replied, "Me. Happy."
I think that is just about the sweetest thing ever. Mom definitely left with her cup overflowing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is the sweetest thing! Also, what a funny pic of Daisy, your mom and Lily with the ice cream. Daisy's face? And Lily staring at her, lol!
