September 15

How are we halfway through September already?
How is it starting to get dark at 7:30? 
Where has summer gone?

At least it was beautiful out today. My mom came over while Daisy was at preschool and stayed with the little ones while I went shopping for Caleb's Tiger Scouts uniform. Those Boy Scouts aren't kidding - his outfit was expensive! Still, he was really excited. And he'll use it for three years. So I guess it's fine.

Mom stayed to put Lily down for her nap, I put Eli down for his nap, and Daisy and I had a lovely afternoon in which we made cookie balls, then she played quietly  by herself in the basement (when I asked her what she did down there, she said, "I read the Bible!" Which stories did she read? "All of them!" Okay, then!) while I sewed the patches on Caleb's uniform.

Caleb came home, Chris came home, dinner, baths... and then it was time for bedtime stories and Caleb wanted to read one of the books he got from the school library this week. Both of them were 100+ page chapter books, of the "Elementary Horror" genre. One is I was a Rat, and the other is a Goosebumps book (anyone remember those?) called Say Cheese and Die.
Um... what? Who let my first grader check out books that are 1. obviously way above his reading level and 2. completely inappropriate? Apparently his teacher and the librarian offer no supervision in the library. What a bummer. Meanwhile, my poor kid had his heart set on reading a chapter book, but we just couldn't read one of those. I have been thinking that it's about time to start having Chris read the kids chapter books at bedtime; I was pondering starting with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe or something like that. I still need to read up on book suggestions.

In the meantime, I grabbed a copy of Captain Underpants from my teaching days and Chris read that to the kids.
Whomp, whomp.
 They loved it.
Eli didn't stay engaged for long, though, so Chris put him on a blanket on the ground.

He didn't stay there long. 
What, Ma? I've got places to go!

I think Eli will be our first legitimate crawler, instead of a scooter! Or did Lily crawl? I don't even remember.

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