September 26

I was going to write a rambling post about how Chris and Caleb are camping with the Boy Scouts, but I managed to get all three (all three!!!) remaining children to sleep in their own respective beds, but...
Eli started screaming.
Of course he did.
This child. I really think he may be broken. Can anyone offer me a reasonable explanation why he is perfectly content to nap in his crib during the day, but at night he is completely incapable of doing the same thing? I'm not even asking for all night here. I'm asking for my baby to sleep for an hour and a half - maybe three, if I'm feeling frisky! - on his own, in his crib. You know, like he does at nap time. 
Eli does not think that is a reasonable expectation, and I'm about ready to check his return policy. I mean, it's been nearly eight months, but still. I should be able to trade him in for a child that sleeps, right? 

So. I put Daisy and Lily down, and then I tried to put Eli down. After thirty minutes of snuggling and nursing, I tried to put him in his crib. Based on the way he screamed, the child must have thought I was trying to murder him. I gave him some time, but he only screamed louder and harder and with more violence.
So I spent another hour snuggling and rocking and nursing him. 
Boom. Sound asleep in my arms. 
Transferred him to the crib.
Boo-yah. Asleep in the crib. 
Laundry. Dishes. Blog... nope. Screaming again. He lasted forty minutes.
Some day. Some day, he will sleep on his own. Some day, he will sleep through the night. Some day,  I will get a full night's sleep.
Some day.

At least Lily loves him. I was running around, trying to get dinner made and I left Eli, Lily, and Daisy on my bed. Lily scooted over until she was rightnexttohim and they were both happy.

They just didn't want to smile for my camera.

Lily even wrapped her arm around him and patted him on the back.
Goodness, that girl is the sweetest two-year-old I've ever met. This morning, she told me, "I yuv you, too, Mommy!" for the very first time and I melted into the biggest puddle of goo that ever existed. I don't remember the first time Caleb or Daisy told me they loved me, but this was distinct and intentional and unprovoked, and I totally needed it. My sweet girl.

And my screaming baby, who I should totally tend to.
Some day I will look back on this season with fondness. Just not some day soon.

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