September 12

For some reason, our Internet was out last night. 
Therefore, no blog post.
Sorry about that.

But I got things up and running today, so here we are! I didn't take many pictures, though; I worked the ACT all morning, then went grocery shopping, then had a photo shoot with my friend Jill's sweet daughters. While I was being busy, busy, busy, Chris handled everything else. What a good man! 
Sadly, I missed Caleb's very first soccer practice and game. (His league is a training league, so practice and games go together.) Spoiler: it did not go well. Caleb enjoyed all of the drills, but was embarrassed that some of the kids knew what they were doing and he didn't. He didn't want to talk about it during the day, but after bedtime I climbed into his top bunk, snuggled him, and talked to him about it. He said he kept tripping over the ball, and he accidentally kicked the ball into the wrong goal, and he never wants to go back.
Poor kid. I've been there many times in my life. So I held him close, told him how proud I was that he was being brave and trying something new, and prayed with him. We'll see if he's willing to try again next week.
Chris volunteered to help with practices (hence no pictures of the practice and game), and since I was at the ACT today, that meant the other three children had no one to supervise them. Luckily, Chris' parents agreed to come to practice and play with the little ones. I'm not sure what we would have done without them!

But Eli! Here's what he's up to today:
He likes my phone. It starts early. I should probably put it away more often.

Once more, with flash!
Eli thinks flash is funny. It was cool enough today that he needed long sleeves, pants, socks, and shoes.

Ha! I love this picture. Hey there, big guy!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable, Eli. Oh my goodness, I have been there too, Caleb! I once scored for the wrong team also, and down to the last minute in magic baskets missed and we lost. Everyone yelled at me. But that was middle school. Also, once people were yelling "you are making us lose!" at a track meet I was running in. Ugh, sports can be so awful! I can't believe already at 6 he is doing soccer; he is doing great! Just remind him we all make mistakes and other people may feel nervous too. He may think all the kids knew what they were doing but it was just the first time. Good for him for trying! Ok, lol, you know this, but I just feel for him!!
