September 23

Exciting things happened today:
Caleb's first Running Club of the school year
a play date at the Butterfly House with my friend Jen and her kiddos
tree trimmers working to clear branches around the power lines in the back yard

And I didn't take pictures of any of it. What do I have pictures of?

Sweet Eli, sound asleep. I happened to have my phone with me when I nursed him to sleep and laid him in his crib, so I snapped a quick picture. Sleep, sweet baby.

I later learned that he was running a low fever - 100.2. Poor kid. I'm hoping maybe he's working on getting his first tooth? But knowing my kids and their penchant for waiting until they're practically adolescents before they get their first teeth, it's probably just a virus.
(Seriously about the teeth, though. The other day I stumbled across this blog post that I wrote exactly 11 months ago.  
In it, I wrote of Lily: 
Also? Those four teeth. So funny! But seriously - will the girl ever get any more teeth, or will she be 12 and all of her friends will be complaining about braces and she'll be like, "I wish I could get braces, but I only have FOUR TEETH!"?

I crack myself up sometimes.

But Eli's fever/general fussiness meant that he woke up from his nap sooner than he should have. I didn't realize that at the time, though, and thought he was just ready to be awake. Since Lily and Daisy were both napping, I brought Eli into my bed to snuggle, but he was really unhappy. This was what I had to do to make him happy:
(For those of you who can't/don't want to watch, it's fifteen seconds of me snuggling and bouncing Eli while reclining on my bed.)

But fussy bear was fussy, so I decided to wrap that baby up.

The local babywearing group I'm a part of does "Work it Out Wednesdays", where they encourage you to try a new carry each Wednesday and share pictures with the group. Today's post was a Front Reinforced Torso Rebozo. 

Eli and I rocked it.

And then he fell asleep. It was that darn fever, I tell you!

After he woke from his nap, I took his clothes off and gave him some peppermint essential oil on his spin and skin-to-skin time (I wore a low-backed tank top and wrapped him on my back). An hour of that brought his fever down a full degree, which I thought was pretty impressive. I was also able to make dinner and get Caleb off the bus, despite my fussy baby. Let's hope he sleeps well tonight and wakes up fever-free; this mama has MOPS in the morning!

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