September 3

Today was another MOPS day, so you know it was a good - and busy - day.

Between 7:00 and 9:30, I have to:
wake up
feed the kids
get Lily up
eat breakfast
pack Caleb's lunch
get myself dressed
verify kids' clothes are on, teeth are brushed, shoes are on, hair is brushed
wake up Eli
diaper and clothe Eli and Lily
walk to the bus stop
walk home
re-brush Daisy's hair and teeth because she totally didn't do it earlier
pack Daisy's snack
pack my diaper bag
load the van
unload the kids, walk Daisy into preschool
load the kids, drive to MOPS
unload the kids
make the LOOOONG trek into the church and up to the children's area
hand off the kids
down the stairs, and breathe a big sigh of relief as I grab a cup of coffee and chat with friends

MOPS mornings are hectic, and totally worth it. Eli misses his morning nap, though, so I have to be quick about getting him down as soon as we get home a little after noon. Then I can feed the girls lunch, put Lily down, and enjoy a little quiet time while Daisy plays.

This evening, Chris and Caleb had a Boy Scout meeting, so I had the little ones to myself. We rolled around in my big bed and took some selfies to celebrate.
Seriously. This girl kills me with her cuteness.

She is clearly the cutest of our four children. Look at her!

Daisy wanted in on the selfie action, but she was more interested in pushing the button than in looking at her picture.

I could only fit two of the children in this shot. Eli was too busy rolling around to sit still for a selfie.

Hi, cutie pie!

Daisy (who is still struggling to adjust to not napping) was in bed by 7:08, and Lily was in bed by 7:15. I spent from 7:15-7:50 with Eli, but he wouldn't go down. Luckily, Chris and Caleb were home, so I handed Eli off to Chris.

Smart man that he is, Chris immediately asked me to wrap Eli on his back.  
Hey there, handsome!

Yep, that's my man rocking the Girasol Northern Lights (size 5) in Giselle's Back Carry. It's pretty much what he does every evening now, and he and Eli seem to both enjoy it. 
Next step: convincing Chris to learn how to wrap himself, instead of having me do it.

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