September 1

Hooray! Fall is here! Bring on the pumpkin-flavored anything (as long as it is free of gluten, dairy, refined sugars... ugh.)

As we walked to the bus stop this morning, a tiny white something fell out of a tree, right onto the sidewalk. We got closer and found that it was 2/3 of a bird egg, freshly hatched! We didn't see a nest nearby, but it was still exciting. Daisy and I put it in a jar, and she brought it in to share with her preschool friends. She was pretty excited.
After we dropped Daisy off, the little ones and I went to a park playdate with some MOPS friends. It was hot and sweaty, but fun. Eli snoozed on my back, and Lily climbed all over the playground, shouting, "Watch me, Mommy!" every five seconds. Really. Still, she didn't need me to be right there next to her, so I was happy.

Then we picked Daisy up, ate lunch, did naps... you know. Normal stuff.

After we picked Caleb up from the bus, we walked up to my friend Molly's house to pick up some soccer cleats and shin guards. Her daughter decided she was more interested in karate, so Molly kindly passed on her gear. Hooray! The kids were having a rough afternoon, though, so Caleb wouldn't even try on the cleats at their house. As soon as we left, though, he was ready to put them on. 
In the middle of the sidewalk.
Right in front of their house.
I made him wait until we got home, and then I had to google "How do shin guards work" to figure out how to put them on. That was Caleb's first clue; he immediately asked me (with great suspicion), "Did you ever play soccer?" 
No dear. Never.

But we figured it out, and he immediately raced out to the back yard to break in the new-to-him cleats.
I know it's a crummy iPhone photo, but he was really pumped! Even more exciting is that we happen to have an old soccer/hockey net that we pulled out of someone's trash upcycled, so he has a goal to practice with.

Meanwhile, I made dinner. I steamed some of our green beans a few minutes longer than the rest, so they were nice and mushy, and Eli enjoyed them for dinner.

Really. The kid loved them.

He grew frantic when he ran out of them.

YAY, green beans!

Then Chris put the kids to bed while Eli and I attended Curriculum Night at Caleb's school. It wasn't particularly noteworthy, but it was fine.
Much like this day.

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