September 13

My FitBit says that I got over 9 hours of sleep last night, and I almost believe it! However, because of a certain bed partner of mine needing to eat every 90 minutes or so, the longest I slept was two hours. Still, it was long enough to dream, so that's something.

Chris let me sleep in this morning, and then we rushed out the door to church. It was so lovely out that we decided it was a good picnic day. After our regular Costco run, we grabbed a pizza and went to the park where Chris and I were married. The kids were so excited!

Since I'm back to dairy-free, pizza is a rare treat in our house. The kids (and Chris) were pumped

Hi, Eli! No pizza for you!
(I have no idea what that is on his cheek. A bug bite? Also, his nose and cheeks were unusually red today. No idea why.)

Oh. My. Goodness.
Caleb's church ensemble today.
Plaid collared button-down shirt.
Striped vest.
Track pants.
Argyle socks.
Navy slip-on shoes.
It was one of his best outfits yet.

Daisy photobombed Caleb's picture, because she's Daisy and that's what Daisy does.

Feeding the fish!
(Calm down, Mom. No one fell in. I know Lily's perch looks precarious, but she's fine.)

Eli and I snuggled while Chris went for more fish food. Isn't he sweet?

Goodness, Daisy. Even Eli doesn't know what to think of her silly faces.

Daisy thought this picture was hilarious!
See, she's making the pizza crust into a smile. Funny, right?

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