September 5

A whole lot of nothing happened today, so all I have to show for it is some cell phone pictures. Sorry.

Things that happened:
Family snuggles in bed.
This is what the world looks like from Eli's perspective - big brother and sister rightinhisface all the time.

(Please ignore my face. And the general weirdness of my body - I have no explanation for all of the lumps and bumps in this picture. I think it must be distorted.)
This kid is seriously going to grow up thinking he's a rock star; everyone loves him. Look at all the hands reaching out to touch and tickle him!

I had a few errands to run, and I took Eli with me because it was nearly naptime and I knew there was no way Chris would get him down for a nap. Eli was wide awake for the thirty minutes our first stop took, and then fell asleep as soon as I put him back in the van. When we got to our next stop, I wrapped him up and he stayed asleep on my chest the whole time I shopped at Target. Win!
He woke up in the check out lane, so we stopped by our favorite diaper store to weigh him.
Naked baby!
Naked baby who weighs 16 pounds, 4 ounces! I plotted that on his growth chart, and the kid is following his curve perfectly. He is just under the 15th percentile, which is where he's been for the past three or four months. I'll take it!

We got home just in time for lunch, and I taught the older two the trick of putting orange slices in their mouths to look like monkeys. 
Please ignore that heaping pile behind Daisy's head. It consists of our diaper bag and a bag with the stuff I bought at Target, plus the entire contents of the diaper bag, which are inexplicably piled on top of the diaper bag instead of placed neatly inside it. And my ring sling and two wraps. Apparently I have a problem putting things away. 
Maybe I should stop yelling at my kids when they don't put things away. They come by it honestly. But at least I heaped things in one out-of-the-way place, instead of strewing them about the house, or dropping them the moment I was finished with them.
I'm keepin' it real here, folks.

Caleb is a bored monkey.

After the little ones went down for naps, Daisy went grocery shopping with me and Chris and Caleb played Legos.

On the way to Trader Joe's, Daisy noticed a fountain in a nearby plaza. When our shopping was done, we stopped by the fountain. Daisy was only mildly impressed. I think she was distracted by the sucker she got for finding the narwhal at Trader Joe's.

And those are all the pictures I took today. That's just the way some days go!

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