May 1

What? It's May? How did that happen? 

And because it's May now, that means Daisy's birthday is only days away. Do you remember this time three years ago, when we were waiting (not so patiently) for Daisy's arrival? Her due date was April 26, and she came (with some help) on May 4.

Now I'm feeling all sentimental - it's crazy how much life has changed for us in the last three years! Three years ago, we had no idea what a funny, silly, sassy, sweet, smart little spitfire we would have. We didn't even know she would be a she! When she was born, we knew she would be Daisy, though. It seems silly to type, but I remember looking at her when she was brand-new and knowing that she would be a little ray of sunshine. And she is. Just try to say her name without smiling. It's pretty much impossible.

Still doubting the "ray-of-sunshine" thing? Take a look at Daisy with what she called "little ponytails".
I know, right?
When she wore her first-ever pigtails on Tuesday, she noticed a girl in Caleb's preschool class who had "little ponytails". So today when we were getting ready for MOPS and preschool, Daisy asked for "little ponytails". When we dropped Caleb off today, we saw Siri again, and she was wearing her "little ponytails" again. We stopped and talked with Siri and her mom about Daisy's hair, and Daisy was a distinctly-Daisy combination of embarrassed and over-the-moon delighted that a big kid like Siri noticed her hair.

It was adorable.

I tried to take a better picture of Daisy, but then Caleb started photobombing my shots.

Exhibit A.
(Side note: My children are such slobs. Is this normal? I don't think it is. Their lunch today was ants on a log. You know - celery with peanut butter and raisins? It's finger food. Not hard to eat. And yet look at Caleb's face. Or Daisy's face below. How on earth does the peanut butter get smeared everywhere? And the crumbs! All over the floor crumbs! It's insane! Daisy literally has to change her clothes after eating breakfast every morning. How am I failing my children so critically? Will they ever be able to eat in public? Will Caleb be a senior in high school with peanut butter smeared all over his face and no one ever interested in dating him? I'm afraid that no one will ever love my children because they eat like hyenas instead of normal human beings.)

Another photobomb. Who taught my child to do this? He thought it was hilarious.

And then there's sweet Lil, who wore her first-ever ponytail today.

Is that little arc of hair on top of her head killing you like it killed me? Or are you distracted by the way she's standing at the window, watching the birds like a big girl? 

She didn't pull up to standing by herself - I had to put her there - but once she got there, she was stable enough that I could go outside and take some pictures of her adorableness.

She loved it. LOVED it. I'm not sure she knows there's a difference between that window and the TV.

See? Ponytail. 
Chubby little fingers on glass.

I'm going to believe that everyone who reads this blog loves me enough to assume that my windows were clean until Lily put her hands all over them.
You  believe that I'm an excellent housekeeper with sparkling clean windows.

Ignore the windows. Look at that ponytail. Who on earth could notice dirty windows with such a cute baby to distract them?

1 comment:

  1. Finger prints here, finger prints there;
    Sweet little finger prints everywhere.
    I made up that little diddy many years ago (maybe 50+) when my own children had finger prints all over our picture window (and the walls, too). I always hated to clean them off, but I knew I couldn't keep them forever.
    Thanks for reminding me of those times.
