May 31

Hmm. Somehow I didn't get my big camera out all day again today.  Right before dinnertime, we decided to go out to eat, and on our way to the restaurant we called my parents and asked if they wanted to join us. And since the restaurant was near the park where Chris and I were married, and since the kids love to go there, and since it was a lovely night, and since we had lots of time, we had a spontaneous park detour. 

So there we were, in a lovely park, during the golden hour of perfect sunlight, and I didn't have my camera. 
It was painful.
But I was able to enjoy the moment, and I have some of Chris' cell phone pictures to share.

Earlier today, our neighbor Nora texted me that she had purchased a Slip 'n Slide at a garage sale, and they were testing it out. Caleb and Daisy threw on their swimsuits and headed up to Landon's house.
Daisy was hesitant,

but Caleb dove right in!


Then there's a big gap in pictures of our day, until the park after dinner.
Daisy is hugging the tree I had planted in honor of our 10th wedding anniversary. It's neat to see how much bigger it - and our family! - has grown in the past two years. I was surprised that I got a little bit sentimental about it! Mostly, though, I was thankful that the tree hadn't died or been knocked over by a storm. That would have been unsettling.

My snuggly girl in the golden hour sunlight.

Us in front of our tree. With my mom's finger over the corner of the lens. Love you, Mom.

Daisy made herself comfortable on the rocks,

And Caleb was bolder than I've ever seen him!

Finally! A picture that captures my halo!
(Also, Lily's chubby baby legs kill me! And it was so humid today that her hair started to curl. I love it!)

Under the gazebo where Chris and I were married. I have no idea what I'm doing with either of my hands, and I'm pretty sure Mom will hate this picture of her, but I love how Lily is down and ready to explore, and how Daisy is delighted to be sitting between her grandparents. And mostly, I love the way Dad is smiling in the sunshine.

Lily loves Grandpa!

Daisy loves Grandma's phone.

And Caleb has a new love of climbing trees! He was a bit nervous and hesitant at first, but he figured things out pretty quickly.

Look at my big boy up in a tree! He eventually got up high enough that his feet were above my head. Pretty impressive, I say!

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