May 25


Yes, there are still a million other things to do, including installing baseboards and crown moulding, but still. The floors are done. Hooray!

I had a headache all afternoon, and Caleb and Daisy didn't really nap, so it was all I could do to keep them entertained while Chris and Terry finished installing the floor. (Funnily enough, Lily napped for nearly two hours, despite the fact that they were hammering and nailing directly in front of her door. That child is a gem.) (She's also a gem because she has slept through the night for the past two nights. Hooray!)

Daisy must not have napped at all, because an hour and a half after I put her down for her nap, she emerged from her room wearing this:

As I took this photo, she was flapping her arms and singing, "Giraffe giraffe giraffeeeeee!"
I love how it's clearly too small for her, but she doesn't mind at all. 
I also love how delighted she is to be wearing it.

Caleb was pretty impressed, too. I am positive that Caleb reaaaalllly  wishes it fit him, too. Thankfully, he's been really mature about the whole thing.

Lily, meanwhile, happily splashed in her water table. 
Things I love about this photo:
1. Chubby baby thighs. And cankles. My daughter has cankles.
2. Diapers hanging in the sunshine in the background.
3. She is standing so well!

Then it was dinnertime, and Chris and Terry were still working. I put the kids in front of the TV to watch Veggie Tales, and popped Lily onto my back. I'm getting pretty good at getting her nice and high so that she can watch over my shoulder while I cook. The girl is so curious - she loves to see what I'm doing, and will wiggle and flop until I help her get a good view.

Fun! (This carry is a Knotless Ruck with my size 3 tablecloth wrap.)
I am seriously in love with wrapping this girl! 
I am also seriously in love with our new floors. I'm pretty sure our home's resale value just went up at least $10,000. Not even  kidding. (Not that we're going to sell it ever, though...)

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