May 12

Today was another Do-Nothing Monday. Gosh, how I love these days! We would have done something, but Lily surprised me by sleeping through the night. While that was amazing, it wasn't so amazing when she woke up at 6 this morning and wiggled in her crib until she was able to turn her monitor off. Luckily, Chris was awake and getting ready for work, and he noticed that the baby monitor was making crackling noises. (Me? I was dead to the world. Because unless the baby cries, that's how mamas sleep.) Since she didn't really want to be awake at 6, Lily went down for her morning nap at 8 am. People, we would have gone places. We would have done things. But Baby needed to nap. 

So I satisfied myself with Do-Nothing Monday.
While Lily slept, the big kids and I played in the back yard. I found a fantastic green caterpillar, but just as I called the kids over to look at it, it stopped moving and emitted a puddle of goo. 
 *whomp whomp*

They looked at it for a while, and Caleb even touched it. 
But then Daisy touched the caterpillar, and, magically, it came to life!

Here's a video where Daisy explains the situation:

Then Lily woke up, and my new friend (and neighbor! Yay!) Molly came over with one of her daughters.

Lily demonstrated her mad crawling skills. See the blanket behind her? At one point, she was sitting nicely in the middle of the blanket.

Same blanket, different location, same crawling skills. 
Yay, Lily!
Today I also noticed her go from lying on her belly to seated for the first time! She did it several times today, though it seems like she can't do it consistently yet. Still, it's progress. Hooray!

I got out the water table for the first time this season, and the kids were thrilled. I'm pretty sure they would have given me the 2014 award for World's Best Mom right then and there if they could have. 

Lily got to experience the water table for the first time, and she was delighted! She stood at the water table for quite a while - definitely long enough to get soaking wet, at least, which led to:

Chubby baby thighs in a turquoise cloth diaper.
Seriously, I'm not sure I could love anything more.

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