May 13

It was a lazy, rainy day today, and after the big kids were down for their naps, Lily and I spent some quality time together.  First, we hung out in my big bed. There's something about our king-sized bed with crisp white cotton sheets that just feels luxurious. Add the gentle trickle of raindrops and the gray afternoon light filtering through tree leaves, and it's just about perfect. Lily rolled around, nursed, and then posed for some pictures with my phone. I get the best pictures of her when I turn my phone to "selfie" mode; she loves seeing herself!

Happy girl!

Happy girl, happy mommy!

Pointing at her picture on my phone.

Then I got the idea to take a video of her with the phone in "selfie" mode.
She's pretty cute. Even more entertaining is watching her as she watches this video, but I could only do that if I had a third arm and an extra phone. But it's darling, because every time Video Lily coos, real Lily coos, too. It's hilarious!

After we were done rolling around in bed, we spent a while looking out the window.
Can you believe what a busy day Lily had?
It is hard work being nearly ten months old!

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