May 15

It hailed during nap time today. 
Caleb and Daisy were sound asleep, and Lily had just woken up. I was nursing her in my big bed when we heard the crazy sound of a deluge of hail, so I opened up the curtains. Lily and I snuggled and watched the storm, and it was absolutely delightful.

After dinner the rain was done, but it was pretty chilly. That didn't stop Caleb - clad in a muscle shirt, shorts, flip-flops - and Daisy - wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and no shoes - from running around outside while I worked in the yard and Lily ate grass. They found a big mud puddle in the sidewalk and ran back to the house to get shovels so that they could make "mud pies". Aside from the fact that my baby had tired of eating grass and was now attempting to eat dirt, it felt like an idyllic childhood moment. They may have been dressed inappropriately for the weather, but Caleb and Daisy were having so much fun and playing independently and creatively. They weren't bickering, and they weren't whining. And best of all? They were making a huge mess, but I wasn't annoyed with  them. We were happy, and it was beautiful.

There may have also been some baseball playing. Lily pitched, and Caleb batted.
 (Don't worry, Mom. I put socks on her before I let her crawl around and eat grass and dirt. She may have been eating yard waste, but at least her feet were warm.)

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