May 22

Not only is today my parents' 38th wedding anniversary (is that right???), but it was also a big day for another reason: it was Caleb's last day of preschool.

Since I'm the sentimental sort, I took some pictures just like the ones I took on his first day of preschool.

Just for fun, here's his first day of preschool:

And his last day:
(Those index cards on the wall above his head are all of the Bible verses he's memorized this year. I love it!)

First day:

And last day:
(I flipped this photo so he'd be facing the same direction; that's why the name on his backpack is backwards!)
You can tell how much he's grown by how small the backpack is in proportion to his body. It fit him perfectly when he started preschool, and now it's almost too small. 

Caleb was extra excited for a few reasons:
1. We were walking to preschool (which is exactly 1.5 miles from our house) instead of driving.
2. To celebrate the end of the year, it was ice cream party day!

Caleb and his friend Zachary (Caleb said today he's his best friend) were the first to get their ice cream. Miss Alyssa helped the boys, and you can see Miss Amy (who is still on maternity leave, but came for the party wearing her baby in a wrap) behind Caleb's head. Zachary is a year younger, so he and Daisy should be in class together next year. Daisy told Chris today that she wants to be Zachary's friend, too.

We were all so happy that Chris was able to take an hour off work for the party!

Daisy is so excited to be in preschool in the fall. This girl is totally ready.

Can you tell why they're such good friends?

Daisy even joined Caleb for his very last circle time at preschool.

All three of Caleb's teachers: Miss Christine (Miss Amy's sub), Miss Alyssa, and Miss Amy, singing "Goodbye Friends" for the last time.
After school was out, I let the kids run down the big hill outside the building and play in their hideout tree for an extra long time. Caleb has discovered tree-climbing, and he loves to practice.

I snapped this shot of Caleb, hiding inside the tree. It was overexposed, but I think it looks kind of dramatic like this!

And where was Lily the whole time? 
Just chilling in her wrap. I know. The poor girl looks bedraggled. I had to wake her up from her nap to come to the ice cream party, and she was sweaty and groggy. Then I wore her on my back (Ruck Tied on the Shoulder) for the party, and set her down while the kids played. I think she was still waking up!

I have so many other stories from today, but this post is already too long and I need to wash the dishes while Chris finishes painting the hallway. We're on track to install floors tomorrow!!!

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