May 27

This is our week. 
Caleb starts "Practice Kindergarten" next week, and that goes until the end of June, when we will travel to Iowa, and then it's July and time for Independence Day and Caleb's birthday and Lily's birthday and Chris' birthday and then Chris leaves us for two weeks of banking school, during which time Caleb will start kindergarten and Daisy will start preschool and...
this is our week to do nothing.

So that's what we did. Today we went to Costco. Caleb and Daisy rode in the cart and Lily rode on my back in the wrap and we were in and out in a flash. And that's it.

I tried to hem some new wraps, but my sewing machine hates me. Lily sat at my feet, wrapped herself up in the new linen, and silently begged me with her big brown eyes, "Mommy? Can I go up now?"
Seriously. The girl wanted to be wrapped in that fabric so badly. It was adorable.

After the big kids napped, they wanted to go to the neighborhood pool. Sadly, we didn't have time to go before my mom came over (Chris and I went on a date!), so we compromised by getting out the little plastic pool. I had to add three pots of hot water to make it an appropriate temperature, but it was totally worth it.

Pop quiz:
Lily is so happy because:
A. she's in the water
B. she's totally naked
C. she's with Caleb
D. all of the above

(Can you tell I used to be a teacher?)

I love the joy and delight on Caleb's face. This was right before he squirted my camera with his Max Liquidator. After that, all of his joy disappeared because I confiscated that thing before he even knew what had happened.

All three kiddos in one place!

Those curls!

Those big brown eyes!

I know I'm biased, but come on. These kids are just too cute!

And then I asked Lily to splash. 
She knew exactly what to do!

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