May 16

This morning, the kids and I snuggled in bed and listened to music and played. That king-sized bed is worth its weight in gold, I tell you. Rolling around in bed with the kiddos is one of my favorite things ever. 

At lunchtime, I realized that Lily has hit a new developmental milestone: she is actually eating food, instead of putting it in her mouth, chewing it, and spitting it out. Today she consumed a whole cheesestick, a strawberry, and 1/3 cup of fresh blueberries. Yay, Lily! As I type this, she's eating a meatball and some steamed broccoli. Honestly, it's a relief; I just realized a week or so ago that she is getting to the age where I should make an effort to feed her real food, because even though breastfeeding her is easy and nourishing and wonderful, I can't do it forever. But then I started making an effort to give her breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and she'd just chew and spit! Thankfully, she's finally figuring things out, and it's really fun.

The mail came while the big kids napped, bringing with it some sling rings I ordered the other day. I desperately want to buy another wrap to wear Lily (I'm thinking linen, for summer) but I can't justify the expense right now. So I settled for some sling rings, which are made for babywearing and will allow me to use my current wraps in new ways. Lily and I tried out several carries with the sling rings, and it was so much fun! In fact, each time I took her out of the wrap to try a new carry, she would grab the wrap and snuggle herself up in it.
I know, right? The cuteness is killing you? That's just one of the reasons I love wearing my babies - they love it, too.

Hi, sweet girl!

She also enjoyed chewing on the rings.

Yes, she's wearing a t-shirt and a diaper. She's so cute, she doesn't need pants!

And Caleb, who didn't nap, delighted in playing with his sister.
(Yes, those are boxes of wood flooring stacked up in the background. No, we haven't installed it yet. Yes, it's been over a month. It will happen eventually.)

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