May 28

Aside from a quick trip to Trader Joe's, today was another do-nothing day, and it was lovely.

In the morning, Caleb and Daisy crossed the street, rang the neighbors' doorbell, and asked if Caleb and Hannah wanted to come over and play. I sat on the porch and laughed at what big kids they are turning into!

Caleb and Hannah did want to come over and play, and all four children played happily in the sandbox and little pool for several hours. It was lovely, and was good for my soul.

When it was pool time, Caleb took Caleb by the hand, and Daisy took Hannah by the hand, and they all tiptoed back to the bedrooms (Lily was napping, and though tiptoeing isn't really necessary, it really is when it's 3 and 4 year olds!). Caleb and Daisy each picked out a bathing suit to share with their friend, and it was so sweet. 

Daisy chose polka dots for herself and for Hannah. She was so excited to match her friend! 
This picture warms my heart because it's concrete proof of answered prayers. We tried - unsuccessfully - to sell our old house for over a year. During that year of trying and failing, I prayed often for the home God was preparing for us. Specifically, I prayed for neighbors and friends and community. These friends, with children the same age as ours, who value the same things we do, are absolutely an answer to my prayers.

I love this child.

Lily napped for three hours this morning, so she missed all of the playtime. Then Caleb and Daisy napped for three hours, so they missed Lily's playtime.

Lily practiced her standing on the front porch, waved at dump truck and cement mixers, and posed for cell phone photos on my big bed.

See that shiny upper lip? Runny nose. Poor baby.

Caleb and Daisy woke up just in time for Lily to go down for another nap, and then we got to play with Caleb and Hannah some more! Sadly, afternoon playtime means I don't get dinner started in time, so dinner was an hour late. Chris, who had just gotten home from work, used that extra hour to take the big kids to the pool. What a great idea!

While they swam, Lily woke up from her nap, so I popped her on my back and we washed dishes together.

I know. I look crazed. Taking selfies with my big camera is hard, but I wanted to get a shot of the new carry we tried out (Double Hammock, Double Rings) and of how happy Lily was in it.

Here's a cell phone shot of the same moment.  Love it!

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