March 5

I think Chris and I both breathed a big sigh of relief when Saturday finally rolled around. It's rough going back to work after a vacation, no matter how brief! Our "lazy Saturday" involved Chris getting up at 6 to run, and lots of other busy-ness. Luckily, there was plenty of time to play, too! (And maybe a nap for me...)

Caleb's new favorite game involves throwing balls up the stairs, then watching them bounce back down. I wish I had gotten a better shot of this - he gets so excited, and laughs so hard! All you can see in this photo is his (out-of-focus) impish grin as Daddy throws the balls.

This bouncy football was part of a 3-pack of balls that I found for Caleb yesterday. I'm pretty sure Caleb thinks it was the best purchase ever. The ball has rarely left his hands, unless Daddy is throwing it up the stairs or spiking it, yelling "Touchdown!"
(Caleb clearly appreciates Chris' attention!)

Another fun (?) game is hiding the football under a scarf or blanket, then pretending it's lost. Luckily, Caleb knows exactly where it is, and gleefully saves the day by uncovering it. Apparently, this is hilarious. In this photo, Caleb is actually throwing himself back in delight.

Grandma says Caleb was a great eater while we were gone, but that must have been due to the fact that I was praying mightily for him to be as easy as possible for her. Now that we're home, the eating issues have begun again. Tonight's dinner involved mostly yogurt and strawberries. But Caleb's getting really good with the spoon! (Not that you can tell from this photo...)


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