March 3

My child is ridiculous. I'm just going to throw that out there now.

Today was warm enough that we could play outside, and Caleb came up with a new game.
It involved a whiffle ball bat, a badminton racquet, a deflated kick ball, and my dried-out basil plant.

I'm still not sure what the object of the game was.

Some part of it involved patting the basil (he says "Basil" really well) with the badminton racquet. Regardless, he enjoyed himself.

Later, we continued the hat month festivities with a green turban. I swear I didn't do this just for a photo - Caleb and I were playing with this scarf, and we decided it would make a good hat. He was pretty tickled when I showed him in the mirror how funny he looked.

I'm not sure why he was laughing; all I know is that when he squeals with laughter, my heart gets all melty. It has to be one of the best sounds ever.

This is Caleb snuggled up in my lap.
This also makes my heart melty.

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