March 20

Happy Spring!

We definitely noticed today was the first day of spring - it was 81 degrees and sunny. In fact, everything about today was perfect. Before church, Caleb happily entertained himself while I made blueberry oatmeal pancakes.
(He just discovered Chris' financial calculator. He loves it. He even says "kacky-yater". And yes, he is standing on a badminton racquet. I have no explanation.)

Chris was due for a 9-mile run, so Caleb and I played at the park while Chris ran on the surrounding trails. My mom and Ryan joined us, which made the outing even more fun.

Ryan  is so good with Caleb, and it was nice to have an extra set of hands near the water! (I'm not quite as nimble as I was a few months ago...)

Caleb got so many compliments on his Cards cap and his Converse, but I thought his new striped shirt was particularly handsome.

 We brought some bread and bought some pellets to feed the fish, but they weren't particularly interested. Perhaps they were still hibernating? Ryan and I tried to show Caleb where a lone fish popped up, but he wasn't interested.

He was happy just to throw things into the water. Boys - they're so easily entertained!

After Chris' run, we went home, where Caleb was able to let it all hang out. 
I love this.

While dinner baked, we all went out on the patio and played some more. Caleb demonstrated his mad digging skills; I have to say, I'm pretty impressed!

The funny thing? While we were eating dinner (with the windows and patio door open, and a lovely breeze blowing through the house), all Caleb wanted to do was go BACK outside. What a silly boy. But I guess that means we're doing something right!

1 comment:

  1. so sweet. 81! we're a while away from that. when are you due?
