March 28

I now have in my possession a birth kit and birthing pool. We're really doing this homebirth thing! I'm really excited, and I feel confident that it's the right decision for us at this time, with this pregnancy. However, this is probably the most unconventional endeavor I've ever attempted, and I can be a pretty unconventional girl. It's a bit nerve-wracking to deviate from the norm, so I'm really praying things go well.

Baby looks great - its head is firmly engaged in my pelvis, its heart rate is good, and my midwife thinks it weighs about 5 pounds right now, which puts us on track for a 7-pound baby. Caleb was exactly 7 pounds, and this one feels about the same or a little smaller. Meanwhile, I've gained 26 pounds, my feet are no longer swollen, and Chris brought home roses today. Things are looking good!

After our midwife left, Caleb and I had an impromptou photo shoot.This was a real victory for me, because I took just 10 photos and stopped, knowing I had what I wanted. I think I might be on my way to being decent at this! Judge for yourself:

Oh. And all of these photos? Taken while my subject was dressed like this:

Perhaps I've found a new secret to great photography?

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're so close-that baby will be here so soon! I'll be praying things go smoothly and can't wait to hear when New Baby has arrived! =-)
