March 17

Chris and I spent all day recuperating from our nasty stomach bug. It seemed to hit me harder than it hit Chris (probably something to do with that pesky baby that's leeching off my nutritional reserves!),  so he again played rockstar husband and took care of Caleb most of the day. What a good man I have!

Here are some scenes from our recovery:

Caleb still isn't 100% from his bout with the stomach bug, so there were lots of snuggles today. Plus, in the past week or so, he's developed a really wonderful understanding of the concept of "rest". As in, "Mommy needs a rest now, Caleb" and he climbs up on the couch and snuggles with me. In fact, I'm pretty sure that yesterday he nearly fell asleep sitting on the couch with me, resting his head on my belly.

He's an avid reader of the Wall Street Journal. After all, board books are only entertaining for so long.

We didn't let the sickness keep us from celebrating St. Patrick's Day!

Caleb's a hard partier. His favorite game? Put the hat on so it covers his eyes and stumble around.

He really likes having both of us home, even if we're just flopped on the couches, recovering.

But, it was also 83 degrees out today, so Chris managed to summon up enough energy to take Caleb outside, then to the park. By the end of the day, we had one tired boy!

Hopefully we'll be as good as new tomorrow!

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