March 2

Is two days in a row enough to delcare March "Hat Month"? I don't think we have quite enough hats to make it the whole month with a different hat each day, but with some creativity, we could probably last the first two weeks...

Caleb and I went for a walk this afternoon, and he needed his trusty Cardinals cap to keep the sun out of his eyes.

Doesn't he look like such a big boy?


I'm not sure what he was yelling here, but if it's like every other patio/chalk session, it was probably, "Mommy! WRITE!"

This one makes me laugh because:
1. It's his cheesy smile, which I find hilarious.
2. His cap squishes his ears, making them fold over that funny way.
3. Does he have a double chin? While looking up? That just confounds me.

He's growing up so fast!
(Thank goodness. I need him to be as grown-up as a toddler can be when this baby comes!)


  1. love the ears. and the two fisted chalk. and his sweet face. of course, his mom and dad, too. :))

  2. He does look like such a big boy-especially in the picture where he's standing and looking back at you. He'll be someone's big brother soon!!

  3. yes he is looking like a big boy now! It's going to be so much fun watching him with the new baby and how he interacts :)
