March 19

I would just like to say that we dominated this Saturday. It was pretty fantastic. What was so great? 

1. I discovered that Caleb likes biscuits and gravy. I'd like to think that's a sign that I'm raising him right, except that it's not exactly health food.
2. We took an early-morning trip to Home Depot: productive for us, fun for Caleb. Except when we didn't let him ride the "tractors". Or when he wanted to climb the ceiling-high, industrial shelving and we wouldn't let him. Chris and I are so mean.
3. Chris worked our compost and some yummy organic matter into my garden today. It is now ready to plant. I'm about to try my hand at some cold-season veggies like lettuce and spinach. I also prepared to plant my first raspberry cane. Wish me luck!
4. I accomplished some serious grocery shopping during Caleb's nap.
5.Caleb and I planted seeds for what will hopefully become our Easter celebration centerpieces.
Half of the pots have wildflower seeds, and half have cat grass. (It will look fun and make Lily happy. Win-win, as long as Lily doesn't get to it before our celebration!)

It made me absurdly happy that Caleb was excited to plant seeds with me. We had so much fun, and he was such a good helper! His careful, cautious personality is really helpful when it comes to planting seeds. 
"Pat. Pat. Pat."

6. Chris put down new mulch, so our landscaping looks lovely! 
Caleb was pumped to watch Daddy spread the mulch, and even more thrilled when I opened the window so he could talk to Daddy and give him a high five.

And that was all before 4:00! Like I said - we dominated this Saturday, and it was fun!


  1. If you need raspberries, I'm pretty sure the roots of mine have already grown halfway to St. Louis...

    You are lucky to have such a helpful planter in Caleb! Last year when Catherine and Mary helped me plant their preferred technique was to wildly rip open the little paper package and watch the seeds/beans fly out. Our garden ended up a little "crowded."
