March 16

And then I got sick.

Luckily, I could feel it coming, so I had time to call Chris at work and ask him to come home. (He works an hour away.)
Luckily, Chris has the type of job where he can come home just because his wife is about to vomit all over the place and someone should be tending to the child in the midst of all of that vomit.
Luckily, it didn't start until Caleb was napping and Chris was home.
Luckily, Chris is a rockstar dad whose son adores him.
Luckily, Chris even took photos of their time together.

We recently re-discovered one of Caleb's favorite books, "Hello, Fredbird!", which had accidentally slipped behind his changing table. The kid has read it at least 10 times a day since we found it. That's what he's doing here - flipping through the pages, all by himself. (and giving Fredbird kisses.)

And the coasters. Oh, the coasters. I paid fifty cents for them at a yard sale, and had no idea he'd love them so much.

Arranging them on the couch!

Luckily, I was done being actively sick by 6:30 that night.
Un-luckily, it hit Chris at 9:30.

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