March 12

We had such a full day today!

Our darling little delight chose to sleep in until 7:30 this morning, perhaps to compensate for the fact that he woke up and required our snuggles at least 5 times in the night. (Note to toddlers everywhere: this is, in fact, NOT fair compensation. Go to sleep.)

We ate some breakfast and headed over to Chris' parents' house. Caleb was so excited to see his Grandad and Grandmother!

Caleb loves visiting his grandparents for many reasons. Among them:
Grandmother always has the BEST food!

Grandad likes to take him exploring! (They went to the high school next door and watched the "kids" play baseball. I'm sure Caleb was thrilled!)

Later, after a nearly 3-hour nap, which was STILL not compensation for last night's poor sleep, Caleb supervised as Chris drew on the patio.
Can you tell that Chris has just drawn a schoolbus, and is now writing "VROOM"?
I also am fond of the family portrait, featuring Chris with his big muscles, and me with the baby in my belly.
I am not fond of the sorry state of my garden. I'm debating whether to put forth the effort to till and fertilize and plant, knowing that our house is on the market. It brings me such joy, though, that I think I need to do it. Maybe next weekend?

Do you remember this photo from this time, last year?
This week, we got an ad from our local Rural King (That's right. We have a local Rural King. Because we're THAT cool.) announcing that the chicks were back! Of course we had to go out and pay them a visit today.

Unfortunately, the good folk at Rural King apparently thought better of placing the chicks in large, unguarded troughs at the entrance to the store.
Caleb didn't seem to mind that they were under lock and key, though.

"Chicks! Peep! Peep!"

And then he saw the tractors. What a great day for this little man!

1 comment:

  1. You should subscribe to the new microbiotics school of gardening that says tilling is bad for your soil. Just plant. :)
