December 23

'Twas the night before the night before Christmas,
and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring...

Oh, wait. Nope. Lily is stirring. Never mind.

As I type this, Chris is with a very-tired Lily, trying to get her to sleep. I worked the 7:45-8:45 shift, and had her asleep for about ten minutes. But now she's awake again, and he's attempting to work his magic.

Do you remember a few weeks ago, when we were working to get Lily to sleep in her crib instead of in our bed? And then we quit because she got sick? Well, we're back at it again. Only now we aren't just tackling the crib, we're tackling the swaddle, too. We're gluttons for punishment awesome like that.

Happily, the girl took all of her naps today unswaddled, in her crib. Also happily, my husband is standing in solidarity with me on this. We both know there are easier ways to get Lily to sleep. He could wear her in the Ergo; I could snuggle up with her in bed and nurse her to sleep. But we're ready for her to be in her crib, in her room, for at least the part of the day that we're awake. Once it's bedtime for us, I'm ok with her being in our room (for now), but it's time for her to be in her crib. Don't ask me why, because I don't have a real reason for this. It's just time.

There's my sweet little belly sleeper, with a wicked bald spot, snuggling with her turtle. This will be a good thing. We just have to get through the not-so-good first.

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