December 18

We were supposed to have a cookie-making playdate with Amber and her kiddos today, but they are all slowly falling victim to a stomach bug. Amber texted me as we were eating breakfast to tell me that child #2 had fallen ill, and that the playdate was off.  While we were disappointed, it was probably for the best: Lily ended up sleeping until 9:30 this morning, and the kids and I had some really great crafty time together.

First, Caleb made snowman Christmas cards for his preschool teachers. I'm getting better about letting him do things in his 4-year-old fashion, instead of doing them for him so that they're perfect. I let him choose what the card should look like, and he did almost all of it himself. Exhibit A: cutting.
The funny thing is that Caleb is so different from Daisy. I suppose it's a birth-order thing? While Caleb and I worked together and I led him step-by-step through the snowman-making process (we based our project on a picture we found online), Daisy charged ahead and did her own thing. Her snowman ended up looking quite different from Caleb's!

We had buttons out to use for eyes, but Daisy decided to cover her whole snowman - and background paper - with buttons. Then the ribbon that Caleb and I used for scarves became a border at the top of her paper. I have to admit that it turned out really well, and I admire her creative vision!

Seriously - somehow, she's become a big girl! She's only two and a half, but I'm shocked at how grown up she is all of a sudden.

After the snowmen were finished, Caleb and Daisy wanted to work on a sun catcher craft that Grandma got for them. (We pack in a lot of activity before 9:30 am!) 
This craft? Definitely not for toddlers/preschoolers. But I didn't realize this until we had already started, so we just kept right on with it. They turned out fine in the end, though, and Caleb and Daisy were so proud of their handiwork!

Then Lily woke up just as we finished. It worked out perfectly.

We played, did our thing, and then it was naptime for all three. Caleb woke up first from his afternoon nap, and we wrapped Christmas presents together in the basement. While we wrapped, Lily woke up. I think Caleb must have heard Chris and me talking about how helpful and responsible Daisy was the other day when she got Lily up from a nap, because he rushed to do the same thing today. 
These two. They just adore each other! My mom and I were talking the other day about whether it's Caleb's age that makes him so affectionate toward Lily (compared to Daisy's mostly-indifferent two-year-old attitude), or his personality. I'm pretty sure it's his personality. He's just sweet! While we were wrapping today, he said to me, "You're my honey bear. Mommy, you are as sweet as honey!"
And then I died.

Remind me how sweet he is when he's being hateful and throwing fits, okay?

When Daisy finally woke up, we all headed outside. It was in the 50s in December, which is cause for celebration in my book. The kids celebrated by swinging - all three of them! 
This unceremonious picture is Lily's first swing!

At one point, Lily reached out for Caleb, and he reached back and held her hand. She was thrilled, and my heart turned into a quivering puddle of goo.

The verdict? Lily loves swinging!

Hi sweet girl, in your too-big pullover and your shoeless striped feet!

And of course there's Daisy, making her, "You're taking my picture? Don't take my picture!" face.

And there's the real Daisy. Love her!

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