December 17

It was a busy/not-so-busy day for us.

Our morning started like it always does: I wake up just as Chris is leaving for work at 7 am. Lily sleeps, I pump, and Caleb and Daisy watch either Berenstain Bears or Curious George. 
What's that? Why is Daisy snuggling with a piece of cardboard? Well, we're too cheap to buy her real toys, so she just snuggles with trash...
Kidding. Caleb has a winter party at school on Thursday, and I volunteered to bring a game. I came up with the idea of throwing snowballs at a snowman, and the cardboard was my first attempt, to see if it worked before I made the real thing. It worked, and now Caleb and Daisy bicker over who gets to play with the "brown snowman."

We took Caleb to school, and then the girls and I headed to Target, where Daisy chose inexpensive Christmas gifts for Chris, Caleb, and Lily. She's so grown up and responsible and thoughtful that it's often easy to forget that she's only two. Today, she did a great job picking appropriate, thoughtful gifts without having a fit that she wasn't getting one of her own. Then we headed home, wrapped the gifts, placed them under the Christmas tree, and went to get Caleb.

On the drive home, we told Caleb about the morning's errands, and as soon as he got home, he raced to the tree, found his gift, and began to rip the paper off! Luckily I was there to stop him and explain that we wait until Christmas to open the Christmas gifts, but he was pretty upset.

Tonight my MOPS group had a night out that involved a painting class. While I didn't create a masterpiece, I had lots of fun. Even better, I came home to this: 
Caleb and Daisy were sound asleep, and Lily was asleep in the Ergo while Chris washed dishes.

Chris also documented a conversation he had with Daisy at bedtime:
Daisy’s noise machine was playing the piano music, instead of the usual white noise. As Daisy stood on her chair and reached for the noise machine, Chris asked her, “Daisy, do you want me to turn this music off?”
Daisy replied matter-of-factly, “Yes, it’s ridiculous.”
And then Chris died laughing. 

I'm sad to have missed that, but I'm happy to have had a night out. I'm a lucky mama!


  1. YES - you are definitely a lucky mama. And a fun one, too. :-)

  2. hahhahahahh! Hilarious. Wow she does act older! I still recall her comment at dinner "my purple corduroys make a funny noise"

