July 25

God must have been feeling especially generous when He gave us Daisy, because she's a pretty fantastic little girl. One of the ways she's especially fantastic is her sleep habits. This girl has been sleeping through the night since she was four weeks old. What baby does that? Our baby. Also, Caleb takes one nap a day; it typically lasts two to three hours. Daisy seems to have picked up on that, and now she sleeps for 45 minutes in the morning, then three to four hours while Caleb sleeps.

That means that on most days, I have both children sleeping - at the same time! - for at least an hour and a half. It's amazing. Today, both babies were asleep for three straight hours. Caleb woke up first, so we snuggled, read, changed his diaper, and did all of the normal post-nap things. Right as we were getting ready to head downstairs, Daisy woke up. So Caleb and I climbed into the big bed and had some snuggle time with Daisy.

It was the best part of my day.
I set Caleb down on the bed, and he immediately crawled over to Daisy, laid down, and wiggled until he was snuggled right up next to her.

Then he sat up and poked her mouth.

Apparently, that was pretty funny, because he did it over and over. And each time, he laughed hysterically.

Then he laid back down, and Daisy snuggled into him.

Finally we got around to un-swaddling her, and she gave a BIIIIG stretch.

Caleb, meanwhile, decided that by throwing his arms behind him, he was able to fly. This was also quite entertaining.

We spent the next 45 minutes playing in bed: Caleb covered and un-covered his legs with the sheets, pretended he was Diego climbing a mountain, imagined he was diving into a deep pool of water, and always came back to give his sister snuggles and kisses.

I am blessed beyond belief!

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