May 5

Today was a MOPS, preschool, and speech club day, so I don't have a ton of pictures.

I can tell you, though, that we didn't do much today. After we finally got home, Caleb and Daisy both complained of belly aches and said they wanted to take naps. 

I think Daisy might have been exaggerating,

but Caleb was serious:
The poor boy slept all afternoon, and ate nothing at dinner. 

I left my camera sitting on the kitchen table, and Eli snapped his first selfie. I call this "Self Portrait with a Silicone Banana".

Everything seemed fine, and then at 10 pm Caleb got up because he wanted a drink of water. He sat in the kitchen and Chris and I chatted with him. Suddenly, he got up and vomited into the trash can. Poor baby.
I was really proud that he made it in the trash can, though!

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