May 22

Computer is still broken, and Chris finally conceded that we could not fix it. Yesterday, while Chris tended to the children and took Caleb to his baseball game, I did a photo shoot, took the computer to the repair shop, put Eli down for a nap, and did another photo shoot. It was a busy day, and thus, no pictures.

Today was church, and it was our turn to serve in the nursery. Afterwards, we did our traditional family Costco trip, and then home for lunch.

As I worked to make lunch for four hungry kiddos, I looked up and saw this:
They were just snuggling. You know, because that's what kids do while they wait for their lunch. I love that my children love each other so much, and that at least fifty percent of the time they prefer to snuggle and be close to each other.

Daisy, meanwhile snuggled with her fruit salad. It's a new concept for her, and she was really excited. Honestly, I don't blame her. That fruit was really nice!


Then we had an impromptu dance break.

Eli's turn!

He loves to dance!

Yay, Eli!

Also, we drew with chalk today, and this happened:
This girl is an imp, and I adore her.

It has been three nights now that Eli hasn't nursed, so I am saying he is officially night weaned. Each night has gotten easier for Chris than the last, and now he will work on getting Eli to sleep in his crib without being held. That husband of mine is a good man.

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