October 9

I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor early this morning, and Chris and the kids came along, too. My options were a 7:30 am appointment, or a 4:45 pm appointment, and I jumped at the 7:30 option, even though it meant we had to leave the house by 7 am. We had to wake Eli and Lily up much earlier than normal, but it all worked out. It's funny to be in a season of life where a 7:30 am appointment is easier than a 4:45 appointment, but right now, for us, it is.

After the appointment, we had about thirty minutes to kill before it was time to drop Caleb off at school, so the kids and I rolled through the McDonald's drive-through: coffee for me, fruit and yogurt parfaits for each of them. They were so happy. It's funny how a 99 cent "treat" can be such a big deal. 

Once Caleb was at school, the little ones and I headed to the library to pick a movie for family movie night. Daisy and I chose WALL-E. Lily took one look at the cover and started giggling. "Ca-yub think this oss hunny!" (She knew Caleb would think it was funny, and it made her happy.) Lily also chose a Cam Jansen early reader book, hoping Caleb would read it to her. That girl adores her big brother. 

Then home for naps. Unfortunately, Eli decided to stagger his naps with Lily's so I didn't get a real break. But Daisy didn't let that bother her. She insisted that we take Eli down to the basement to play. So we did.
Can you see Daisy peeking out from under that blue wig?

Then she brought us these ones.

Oh - and Chris' Napoleon Dynamite wig. Has that photo ever been blogged? I don't think so.

This was Halloween 2004, I think? Maybe 2005. All I know is that it was right after I had lost 40 pounds, and I was the skinniest I'd ever been. We were Napoleon and his friend Deb, and our friend Kerri was Pedro.  

You know, like this?
Except I totally wasn't in character for the picture. But Chris made an awesome Napoleon, and we still have the wig to show for it. In fact, nearly all of the wigs in our wig collection actually belong to Chris. I'm not sure what I think of that.

Daisy, however, is really enjoying her Daddy's wig.

And then, a very happy thing happened. I found a wrap for sale in my local babywearing group. I've been eyeing it at babywearing boutiques online for a while, but couldn't make myself purchase it. The local mama agreed to sell it to me for a bargain-basement price, though, and now a size three, toddler-worthy wrap is mine. Hooray!

My collection is nearly complete. Maybe it is complete. I don't know. Regardless, isn't it lovely? Eli was very happy with it, too.

Chris was late getting home from work because some crazy lady made him stop by a stranger's house to pick up a long piece of fabric for her to tie up her baby, so I made the kids grilled cheeses and started their film. Once they were done eating, we went to a restaurant.

Makes sense, right?

The Cardinals played beat the Cubs in game 1 of the NLDS, and we don't have cable. Therefore, in order to watch some of the game, we went to a restaurant.

Eli was very happy with this turn of events.

Lily, however, was awful. Finally, she grew so whiny and obnoxious as we waited for our food that I was ready to lose it. Then my fabulous husbando let her sit on his lap, and she was happy as can be. He's a good dad.
Also, Lily's cheese face is stellar.

Speaking of cheese face, I gave Eli a piece of pizza to gnaw on.
And then there was cheese all over his face. 
Good segue, right? 
I know. It's why they pay me the big bucks.

Or maybe they pay me the big bucks because I consistently produce adorable babies.

Oh, wait. They don't pay me the big bucks.
They don't pay me at all.
But it doesn't matter. What matters is that my husband keeps me provided with pizza and baby wraps, and sometimes wine, and he takes this stinker from me in the evenings when he refuses to sleep. That, my friends, is enough. 

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