October 17

Things just keep getting busier and busier for us, and I'm getting frustrated. Today, there was one thing on our calendar: soccer. But somehow, the day was full of busy-ness. I still haven't gotten to watch Caleb play soccer because of commitments and nap times and... life.

This morning, I was putting Eli down for his nap when Chris texted me this video. His comment was simply, "I love fall."

I agree, dear.

So of course I rushed out with my camera. I didn't catch much, and I didn't get to partake in the leaf-jumping at all because the kids were just about done.

Still, how much fun is this?

Sweet Lu. She has blueberry oatmeal on her face.

Oh, Caleb. You know it's nearly winter when he asks to have his scarf tied around his face.

Daisy's cough is better today, but still pretty bad. I made her a mug of herbal tea with honey, and she was very happy.
But then Lily saw it and began pestering, "Tea? Tea. Tea! TEA!!!!" 

So I got the girl some tea, too.

Then Chris took Caleb to soccer, and I fed the girls lunch while Eli continued to nap. Daisy voluntarily went down for a nap before noon, which is really  unlike her. She totally needed it, though.

While she slept, Eli continued to sleep and Lily munched on every food item she could find. Finally, she asked for a piece of candy and I let her have a sucker. She was so happy.

In fact, she was so happy she wanted to show both Grandma and Grandmother her sucker. At first I told her that they weren't interested in seeing her sucker, but then I realized: they are her grandmas. Of course they are interested in seeing her sucker. That's basically a grandma's job, am I right?

So I took the picture above and texted it to Chris' mom and to mine. They both replied almost immediately, affirming that they were, in fact, both very interested in the sucker. My kids are lucky to have such doting grandmas.

Chris and Caleb came back from soccer right after I got Lily down for a nap and Eli woke up. I left them at home and headed out to do the grocery shopping. 

When I got home, I found Chris and the kids heading out so that Caleb could go door-to-door in our neighborhood to sell overpriced Boy Scout popcorn to our neighbors. He was dressed in his little uniform, and he had a speech practiced. It was adorable. He sold half of his goal, and I'm hopeful he'll be able to sell the other half tomorrow. Otherwise, everyone we know will be getting overpriced popcorn for Christmas.

When Chris and the kids came home, I showed them one of the things I picked up during my shopping excursion: a battery-operated pencil sharpener.

People, you would have thought I brought home treasure. These kids were enthralled. They ran around the house, collecting every single pencil they could find, and then sharpened all of them.

Best $9.99 I've ever used a gift card on.
That was our wild Saturday night: sharpening pencils.

They sharpened pencils while I made dinner. Dinner was actually pleasant, which was a nice change of pace. I realized, though, that I hadn't taken a picture of Eli yet today, so I got out my camera.

Practicing his sippy cup skills with some breast milk in the cup. He prefers it straight from the tap.

Goodness, he's sweet.

Need further proof? Chris gave the kids baths while I folded their laundry with Eli in his room. This is his "folding laundry with Mom" face.
See? This is why I tolerate him when he wakes me up at 5:30 am and won't go back to sleep. During daylight hours, he is the best baby ever. It's just nighttime that's a problem.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, you are hilarious! The sucker story, hahahaa. And the pencils, oooooh how fun! Cute cute cute..
