October 2

Oh, Friday. 
I love you.

Caleb bought his lunch at school today. It was a turkey sandwich, and he was disappointed. He prefers ham.
The girls and I went to the library this morning to pick a movie for Family Movie Night. Daisy was adamant that we get Sleeping Beauty, even though I warned her it would be too scary. The kids have never seen the movie, but they have read the story enough times to know what would happen. All day long, Daisy talked excitedly of Maleficent.

For lunch, Daisy wanted a bell pepper. Not some bell pepper; a whole bell pepper. Since tomorrow is grocery day and the girl could use some extra vitamin C anyway, I said  yes. As I got the pepper out and washed it for her, she was practically vibrating with excitement. When I handed her the pepper, Daisy told me very seriously: "Mommy, you need to take a picture."
Girlfriend, you don't have to tell me that twice!

Eli was skeptical.
"Ma, are you really going to give her that whole thing? There's no way she'll eat it all. Meanwhile, I'm going to much on Lily's leftover discarded quesadilla. I might drop it several times, but I'm sure you'll pick it up for me until it's such a soggy mess that there's nothing left for me to gnaw on."

Look at her. It's almost like she was daring me to take it away from her. See that fierce determination in her eyes? She is totally my daughter.
Eli is still baffled.

Let the munching begin! Watch and learn, little one.
And you know what? The girl ate nearly all of it! Way to go, Daisy!

Then it was naptime, and I busted out this funny little fleece sleep sack that was a hand-me-down from my sister:
You know, because naptime is always a formal affair around here.

While the little ones napped, Daisy and I snuggled in my big bed. 
Eventually, Daisy realized that I was boring and only wanted to sleep, so she left me to nap on my own while she played quietly in her room. A mama could get used to that!

Everyone woke up before it was time to get Caleb from the bus, though. When we got home, Caleb and Daisy wanted to draw on the driveway with chalk. I tried watching them from the porch swing while I wore Eli in my ring sling, but he would have none of it. The boy wanted to be with his siblings! 
So I set him down right in the middle of the action, and he was so, so happy.

Happy baby!

Eventually, though, I had to go in to make dinner. I took a risk and let the big kids play out front on their own, but eventually I heard Daisy shrieking for one reason or another, and so I made them all come in. Then it was time for grilled cheese sandwiches and Sleeping Beauty. Daisy did great, but Caleb thought it was too scary. I left halfway through to go hear some of my favorite bloggers talk about their new book, and Chris stayed home to tend to all of our children. He is a very, very good man. I definitely enjoyed my time away.

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